... ? Alertbox #200 (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
... ? Yahoo! News - Smallpox Vaccine Could Prevent AIDS
... ? Samsung Computer Division : UK Home
... ? ABCNEWS.com : NASA Presents New Space Taxi Designs2003-09-29
... ? Drug WarRantThere's a war going on. It destroys lives and families, spawns violence, suspends civil liberties, tramples on the infirm, locks up millions of peaceful citizens, costs billions, and subjugates reason with fear. This blog looks at the front lines of the drug war, with news, analysis, and the occasional rant.
... ? The World Outside the Web - Neal Stephenson's new book upends geek chic. By Paul Boutin
... ?Yahoo! News - Orangutans Could Go Extinct in 20 Years
Habitat destruction by illegal loggers could mean the extinction of orangutans within 10 to 20 years, a Harvard researcher studying the apes said Monday.
... ? Ultra High Definition Video2003-09-28Here is a quote from the October 2003 issue of Digital Video. '24p: Back to the Future?' 'When Douglas Trumbull developed Showscan (70mm at 60 fps) in 1976, he noted a profound psychological reaction among his test audiences when the frame rate hit 60 fps: The film ceased to be a film and was more like a window into reality: It just wasn't any good for storytelling, Trumbull claimed. Showscan was thus relegated to theme park immersive venues, and a grand experiment in theatrical storytelling frame rates was shunted aside
... ? Salon.com Arts & Entertainment | Freddy, Jason, Megadeth and me
... ? Igloo : LFO Review
... ? Rhizome.org: =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?Don=92t_Call_it_Art:_ Ars_Electronica_2003?=
... ? The Observer | UK News | Ecstasy use doubles in five years2003-09-27
... ? Curmudgeon Gamer - Interview: Jeff Vavasour, Part 3 (Personal, Future)
... ? Curmudgeon Gamer - Interview: Jeff Vavasour, Part 2 (Business)
... ? Curmudgeon Gamer - Interview: Jeff Vavasour, Part 1 (Technical)
... ? Dell Brings Consumer Electronics Home for the Holidays - Redesigned Dell.com to Offer Digital Music Players, LCD TVs, with Quality and Value Customers Expect from Dell
... ? Daphne Oram and Oramics
... ? Sleazenation.com : Any form of illustration is valid, as long as the dimensions of the piece are 230 by 285... units irrelevant
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts features | Wanna be in their gang?The road of the child pop star is littered with casualties - will S Club 8, current top of the tots, be different? Jon Ronson and Joel (aged five) are ambushed by bubbliness when they join them on a working week
... ? Wired News: Apple Doin' the Logo-Motion
... ? Art21 - The Alphabet Synthesis Machine (Introduction)
... ? XLR8R :: The Bug: Insect Sounds
... ? newsAnd to answer the most frequently asked question here at Schematic, the release date for Asect-Dsect, Rich's new full-length CD/LP is October 7th. Whew... More information is very likely to be posted soon.
... ? NATIVE INSTRUMENTS: traktor devine movie2003-09-26
... ?Amazing Live Sea Monkeys! - Watch the comic antics of these fantastic underwater buffoons that are really alive. ...actually hatch a whole, happy troupe of Sea-Monkeys that are even more fun than a zoo full of chattering, howling jungle monkeys.
... ? AMEN ANDREWS (LUKE VIBERT):Volume 5-Rephlex
... ? Burn it Blue .::. Features - LFO: SEVEN YEAR ITCH
... ? BBC - collective - lfo interview - A1291844
... ? dotmusic - reviews - singles - Freak
... ?TASCHEN Books: Design - All Titles - Design of the 20th Century 2004 - Facts
The TASCHEN Wall Calendar 20th Century Design 2004 features 12 big and beautiful reproductions, an elegant layout for the days of the month, and all official holidays for your country.
... ? WebExplorer file management systemsWebExplorer Free is an open source code, fast and robust web-based file manager written in ASP with an user-friendly web interface. It allows you to manage your remote files as easily as you do locally. It is an useful tool for Web Developers and Webmasters.
... ? HotScripts.com :: ASP Scripts and Components :: File Manipulation :: File Management (ASP File Manipulation / File Management Scripts and Components)
... ? IISWorks - IIS web solutionsFileMan is the webs first and most complete corporate web based storage and file management solution for intra- and internet. It runs on Microsoft IIS webservers and written in 100% ASP. It resembles Windows Explorer and offers functions like: Upload, Download, (Wysiwyg) Editor, Copy, Move, SendTo, Rename, (Un)Zip, Map drives, File descriptions, Send files by email, File encryption. It is highly configurable and has many advanced features like: NTLM Authentication, Languages, IP blocking, UNC paths, multiple RootFolders, Disk quota, Recycle Bin, Automated user subscriptions. All user and group settings are stored in an easy-to-use MS Access or scalable SQL database. You can also use existing NT accounts to give users access to their home drive, from anywhere on the web. A Zip control is included, and the full version also includes a robust Upload and AES Encryption control!
... ?The A HREF tag carries a "title" attribute, which is very similar to the ALT tag for images. When the mouse cursor is hovered over a link that contains this attribute, a small box pops up to display the contents of the TITLE link. This is a great navigation aid. It allows you to provide details about what can be found beyond the click without cluttering up the page with lengthy descriptions. To maximize the tag's usefulness, keep the description to 60 characters of text. Don't think of the TITLE tag as an excuse to use poor linking text, either -- this tag only works in Internet Explorer.
... ?Op Art : The latest works
... ? Terrorism as regressive globalisation Mary Kaldor - openDemocracyAn expert on modern warfare analyses the qualitatively new forms of terrorism we all face today – and the responses to them. How effective will a ‘war on terror’ turn out to be, and what of international law?
... ? http://www.agonist.org/archives/008748.html#008748 | Metafilter
... ? VotingMachineErrors
... ? Scoop: American Coup: Mid-Term Election Polls vs Actuals
... ? Democracy for Sale, CHEAP! - We just didn’t want a document floating around saying the election industry is in trouble, so they decided to put together a lobbying campaign
... ? Scoop: Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
... ? Salon.com Technology | An open invitation to election fraudNot only is the country's leading touch-screen voting system so badly designed that votes can be easily changed, but its manufacturer is run by a die-hard GOP donor who vowed to deliver his state for Bush next year.
... ? BBC NEWS | Technology | Net guru peers into web's futureThe inventor of the web, Tim Berners-Lee, outlines his ideas for a more 'intelligent' web in an interview with the BBC programme, Go Digital.
... ? For the World's A B C's, He Makes 1's and 0'sMICHAEL EVERSON, a 40-year-old typographer who lives in Dublin, considers himself blessed because he has found his life's work: to be an alphabetician to all the peoples of the world. Mr. Everson's largest project to date - a contribution to a new version of Unicode 4.0, an international standard for computerizing text - is cementing his reputation.
... ? The Register : What are those words that trigger Echelon?
... ? France's Precursor to the Internet Lives On (TechNews.com)
... ? Metaweb:Metaweb introduction (Neal Stephenson) - Metaweb2003-09-25Superficially, this site looks like a set of FAQs about a novel that I wrote entitled QUICKSILVER. As time goes on, we hope that it will develop into something a little more than that. We don't know how it will come out. It's an experiment.
... ? Michael Moore.com : Michael Moore responds to the wacko attackos...
... ?Richard Devine
On the surface, the rapid synthetic percussion and clanging of futuristic machinery sounds randomly concocted. Quite the contrary. Upon closer inspection, the dynamic and futuristic industrial music appears cleverly put together by a brilliant experimental sound composer. Welcome to the trippy landscape of the divine Richard Devine. 'I am trying to create music that experiments with time fields, shifting timbres and different rhythmic placements within space,' explains Richard. 'So from a listener's perspective it might seem futuristic or even alien because it sounds computerized and synthetic.'
... ?Aphex Twin
Aphex Twin > Warping Digital Music - Words by A. David Cooper - The beginning of the 21st century is full of digital music breakthroughs and leading the movement is one united kingdom native who pushes the Mac platform to its limits.
... ? TheMobius.Net, A Free Exchange of Electronic Music and Web Artistry
... ? The Miami Herald | 11/29/2002 | ASK THE DJ / Richard Devine
... ? Disquiet: interviews: Autechre's Sean Booth
... ? Disquiet: interviews: Squarepusher
... ? The Devine Invasion - reported by formen.ign.com
... ? Record Camp /v4/ Mapping Music
... ? Record Camp - recording Archive - Autechre GANTZ GRAF The Autechre DVD - Warp - Reviewed by Adesh Deosaran
... ?absorb : article : schematic
the schematic music company has a slogan, which pretty much sums up what they do, and what they intend to do. 'the best way to predict the future, is to create it.' after a long hiatus, with no major albums being released, schematic is now releasing a plethora of sophisticated electronic music, all very different in style, but similar in compositional structure.Creative Loafing Atlanta | NIGHTSHIFT | WARPED SPEED - Local IDM producer Richard Devine's Lip service actually delivers Burn it Blue .::. Music Review .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::. .::.
... ? absorb : reviews : albums : richard devine'aleamapper', his forthcoming long player on schematic sits as 16 seperate files in my mp3 directory - insil. vecpr. foci. partition. step. freeze. model. cr. dock. float. horizontal. veolic. retrace. error. mtr. carry. my other mp3 files, i will point out, are distinctly uncomfortable sitting next to these. devine tracks have an overwhelming aura of darkness, a forboding presence unlike anything else you (probably) own yourself. unless of course, you have any of his previous material...
... ? Luke Vibert - YosepH CD/3LP Released 13th Oct
... ? The Code Project - Creating a web To-Do List with an Active Desktop Interface - ASP
... ? CNN.com - Is life the key to new tech? - Sep. 22, 2003'DNA computing has the potential to perform trillions of calculations at once,' Peter Bentley from University College London, told CNN. 'Life is massively more powerful, and able to compute far more than anything we have created,' says Bentley.
... ? Economist.com | MONITOR : An ambitious new text-analysis system mines the web for hidden trends
... ?Igloo - Ant :: Uncontrolled Environment EP (Angström Records, CD)
A hostile environment of fuzzy electrical devices slides its way between minimal sound-escapes on Ant's Uncontrolled Environment EP. With a contrasting background of experience playing in several rock bands in the early 90's, Ant redirected his musical focus in 1995 to that of the machine.
... ?Igloo: 8 Bit Nostalgia
"...You have to remember that the first thing a person ever saw when they booted up their c64 or atari 800xl was the BASIC command line. If you take a step back and think that the built-in interface to the machine was an actual programming language, it's so much more conceptually attractive and computationally efficient than today's Windows crap..." - 8 Bit Construction Set
... ? Igloo : Richard Devine :: High Tech | Low Brow | Dirty South"...I’m constantly rebuilding my systems here in my studio and I’m trying to stay up with the latest new trends in technology so that I always push my music even further - so that the next album will be even more… another level of intensity for electronic music..." An interview with Richard Coleman Devine.
... ? Igloo'...Sheath is evidence that Bell has been hard at work on his own material whilst lending his production and remixing skills to some of the biggest players in the music scene...'
... ?Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | The hunt for weapons of mass destruction yields - nothing
Intelligence claims of huge Iraqi stockpiles were wrong, says report. An intensive six-month search of Iraq for weapons of mass destruction has failed to find a single trace of an illegal arsenal, according to accounts of a report circulated in Washington and London.
... ? BBC NEWS | Technology | MSN shuts down its chatroomsMicrosoft's internet service MSN is to cut back drastically its chatroom services because of concerns about child safety, it said. MSN is closing all its chatrooms in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and most of Asia from 14 October, and changing the way others are operated globally.
... ? Book: CIA paid, faked mullahsThe CIA paid mullahs and created fake Islamic religious leaders to preach a moderate message and counter anti-American sentiment in the Arab world after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a new book said Monday.
... ? BW Online | September 24, 2003 | A Wireless iPod Can Torpedo the Pirates
... ? Boston.com / News / Boston Globe / Editorial / Opinion / Op-ed / Dumbing down American readersRecently I spoke at the funeral of my old friend Thomas M. Green of Yale, perhaps the most distinguished scholar of Renaissance literature of his generation. I said, 'I fear that something of great value has ended forever.'
... ? Yahoo! News - U.N. Warns Synthetic Drug Abuse on Rise
... ? USATODAY.com - Anti-swap CD hits the racksThe soulful singer's Arista debut, which arrives in stores today, may look like a traditional CD. But it's the first of an expected wave of CDs intended to keep listeners from swapping songs on the Net.
... ?Pleix films
Pleix is a virtual community of digital artists based in Paris. Some of us are 3D artists, some others are musicians or graphic designers. This website is the perfect place to share our latest creations.
... ? EBay thief reveals tricks of the trade2003-09-24‘Kenneth’ and friends claim $2 million stolen from Net users
... ? The journalism and films of John Pilger
... ? WARP RECORDS | WARPNEWSANTENNA - bi-monthly showcase of Promos Showing: GAntz-Graf Vadim's 'It's on' - Sam Arthur Stuff by Sigur Ros Amon Tobin (would that be Alex's?) Q A with Dilly Gent and Shynola
... ? BBC NEWS | Technology | MSN shuts down its chatrooms
... ? Sun: More PC makers warm to Java | CNET News.comAfter signing similar deals with Dell and Hewlett-Packard earlier this year, Sun Microsystems announced Tuesday that several other PC makers will begin shipping machines loaded with its Java software.
... ? richard devine
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Bush isolated as speech to UN falls flat
... ?Igloo : Virtual Mechanics In An Alien World :: Q & A with Richard Devine (09/2003)
"I purposely stayed away from traditional instrumentation and traditional compositional writing to create something new and out of context. I wanted to push my sound in new ways and to push my own creative goals to new heights." >> Richard Devine.
RD: Well, I guess my final thought would be to just stick with it, if you're trying to make any form of art whether it is visual arts, graphic design, or musical composition. I think it's important to never give up on your artistic vision no matter how strange it might be. There were times when I thought no one would understand what I was trying to create, but I soon realized that it had place in the world and that many listeners could learn from my creations. And if you're just listening then I hope you listen with an open mind. I guess I have to say thank you to my mom who has totally supported me since day one. I don't I would have gotten as far as I have without her support. I also have to thank my girlfriend and close friends for putting up with all my crazy shit. Especially my girlfriend who has said many times that I was the strangest person she has ever met.Asect:Dsect will be released October 7th, 2003 on Schematic/Asphodel. The Schematic Fall 2003 Tour is also underway starting in October.
... ?2003-09-23CNN.com - Report: Giant Arctic ice shelf breaks up - Sep. 22, 2003
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The largest ice shelf in the Arctic, a solid feature for 3,000 years, has broken up, scientists in the United States and Canada said on Monday.
... ? Opera Software - Boost your speed - Download Opera 7.20
... ? Processing 1.0 _ALPHA_ >> TechNotes
... ? transphormetic - data is nature - numbers as patterns - version 4 well, what can I say...so seldom you come across work that capturing my personal aethetcics so well...Major Props Paul, & all at transphormetic. Oustanding work!!...2003-09-22
... ? independent
... ? MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | Why size mattersThis week the Independent is expected to announce the launch of a tabloid edition. Will it work, asks Roy Greenslade
... ? Scientists in Iceland Discover First Gene Tied to Stroke RiskResearchers in Iceland say they have discovered the first gene that underlies common forms of stroke, a disease that affects more than 600,000 people a year in the United States.
... ? Wright Replica Fails to Fly (washingtonpost.com)
... ? TIME.com: The Real Reagan -- Sep. 29, 20032003-09-21
... ? Yahoo! News - AP: Terrorist Says 9/11 Plot Began in '96
... ? Detailed Notes from Virginia Tech Supercomputer Presentation: Part 1
... ? The Observer | Magazine | Jessica Berens meets Grayson Perry
... ? The Observer | OMM | LFO, Sheath: 5 starsThe Leeds duo behind the UK's 'bleep' revolution return to further techno, says Simon Reynolds
... ? swens blog - Artists mentioned in the WIRE magazine
... ? The Observer | Review | The Americans who declared war on their countryThe Weathermen blasted their way into history as America's first terrorist group. Now, as one of their leaders is released, the nation reflects on the most violent period in its recent history, writes Mark Honigsbaum
... ? The Observer | Review | Observer review: The Baghdad Blog by Salam Pax
... ? The Observer | OMM | Total respect2003-09-20Dizzee Rascal, the 18-year-old winner of this month's Mercury Music Prize, owes his explosive career to one man above all: Tim Smith, the music teacher at his school in London's East End. Here, the former pupil and his former master share their story
... ? New Scientist : Plasma blobs hint at new form of life
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | What good friends left behindTwo years ago, as the bombs began to drop, George Bush promised Afghanistan 'the generosity of America and its allies'. Now, the familiar old warlords are regaining power, religious fundamentalism is renewing its grip and military skirmishes continue routinely. What was the purpose? John Pilger reports
... ? Category Index: Virtual Bacteria Museum
... ? Fortune.com - Magazine - You'll Lose Sleep Over This PillModafinil—better known as Provigil—is fast becoming America's newest "go pill." Made by Cephalon, a small publicly traded biotech firm in West Chester, Pa., Provigil is a central-nervous-system drug that promotes hyper-focus and alertness. Patients using Provigil in clinical tests functioned normally—for example, completing tedious computer tasks—after up to 54 hours without sleep.
... ? BBC NEWS | Northern Ireland | Youth charged with Real IRA membershipPolice have charged a 17-year-old boy with being a member of the dissident republican Real IRA.
... ? BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Ask the 'Baghdad blogger'
... ? SocietyGuardian.co.uk | Society | 50,000 children taking antidepressants
... ? Sun StarOffice 7Sun's new StarOffice 7 is, to begin with, a vast improvement over its predecessor. The new features incorporated into StarOffice7 make it one of the premiere office suites currently available, and its low cost certainly makes it the best value.
... ? Kraftwerk - Tour de France Soundtracks - Stylus Magazine
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Galileo on course for suicide mission
... ? BBC NEWS | Health | HIV 'scan' spots virus in hiding
... ?2003-09-19Guardian Unlimited Books | Extracts | Rage against the machine
Cultures clashed - and so did the cast. In this exclusive extract from his journals, John Fowles describes the rancorous frenzy surrounding the filming of his first novel, The Collector, in 1964
... ?LFO:Sheath - Limited Edition CD Packaging-Warp
... ? Review: IBM 42H1292 and 1391401 keyboards
... ? silicon.com - BT calls for tighter controls on Telewest and NTL
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts Friday Review | Hello. I'm Johnny Cash
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Tim Predmore: We are facing death in Iraq for no reasonA serving US soldier calls for the end of an occupation based on lies
... ? Joe Kral | Green Sketchbook
... ? Sympatico.ca - Music : LFO--Sheath : Billboard Review
... ? Magnatune: try before you buy MP3 music.
... ? Wired 11.10: How Ravenous Soviet Viruses Will Save the WorldThey're called phages. And they eat drug-resistant bacteria for breakfast.
... ? Our Role in the Terror
... ? Salon.com | Michael Moore gives Wesley Clark a 21-gun salute2003-09-18
... ? Salon Travel | Tripping on ibogaOver the last decades, iboga has developed a cult following in the United States and in Europe, where it is known as ibogaine. In the West, the psychedelic is being promoted as a potential one-shot cure for treating addiction to heroin and other drugs. Some researchers believe that ibogaine has the ability to 'reset the switches' of addiction, freeing addicts from withdrawal symptoms and all drug cravings for up to six months. Animal tests seem to have reinforced these claims
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Wesley Clark seeks Democratic nomination
... ? Monkeys exhibit sense of fair play
... ? Ancient art of origami shapes high-tech gizmos | csmonitor.com
... ? Adam Wolfson on Suicide Terrorism on National Review OnlineOne of Pape's most important findings is that suicide terrorism is guided by clearly identifiable strategic goals. It is not a mere act of wanton cruelty, though it is certainly that. Nor is it an act of desperation by the dispossessed. Rather, suicide -attacks are nearly always carefully calibrated to accomplish the political goals of nationalists groups.
... ? Setback for Microsoft Ripples Through the World Wide Web2003-09-17
... ? Counting & display tubes
... ? Feature Article: Weekly Feature - New Life For Nixies : Novel digital clocks get their glamour from the Nixie tube, the mother of electronic numerical displays
... ?Nixie & Dekatron Clocks
... ? EconLog: Library of Economics and Liberty
... ? The Australian: Sun's Windows killer unveiled [September 16, 2003]The Sun Java Desktop system, which was previously code-named Mad Hatter, runs on the open-source Linux operating system and includes a variety of programs that replace Microsoft's internet browser, productivity suite, and other parts of the Windows package.
... ? Guardian Unlimited Books | Special Reports | Piano teacher scores over Amis
... ? Hall of Technical Documentation Weirdness
... ? Scientific American: Ask the Experts: Physics: What causes feedback in a guitar or microphone?
... ? Wired News: Scientists Meditate on Happiness
... ? Wired News: Sour Grapes Over Milk Labeling
... ? Salon.com News | Canada's safe haven for junkies
... ? The General McCaffrey Scientific Fool Award2003-09-16
... ? MetroActive Features | Automania!
... ? USATODAY.com - Slot machine cheat bilked casinos with ingenious gadgets
... ? Alex Reynolds : Music : Interview : Autechre : September 28th 2001Featured in Grooves 7, this interview started out a little hostile but gradually Sean Booth warmed up......
... ? Alex Reynolds : Music : Interview : Autechre : February 2nd 2003Excerpted in Grooves 10, this interview reintroduces Alex to Sean Booth of Autechre, covering a myriad of topics related and completely unrelated to Autechre's new release Draft 7.30
... ? SF Weekly | sfweekly.com | Music Suicidal Tendencies,With his sixth record as µ-Ziq, drum 'n' bass bully Mike Paradinas contemplates euthanasia,By Philip Sherburne
... ? BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Call to extend alien life searchJupiter or Mars-like planets beyond our Solar System may be serious contenders for harbouring life, says a British astrophysicist. Professor Tim Naylor, of Exeter University, says planets that do not resemble home should not be dismissed.
... ?nowords.org - Views from Above - Great Photos
... ? Zenarchery.com: Me On Shirky On BitPass.
... ? Joe Kral
... ? BBC NEWS | Health | Wild flower 'may treat cancer'
... ? BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Student challenges use of terror act
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts news | Bow's message to BlairEveryone loves Dizzee Rascal but does anyone listen to a word he says?
... ? USATODAY.com - Amanpour: CNN practiced self-censorship2003-09-15
... ? How the war tab may shift agenda in Washington | csmonitor.com
... ? Yahoo! News - NASA to Crash Galileo Probe Into Jupiter
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Blair euro poll hopes dashed by Swedes2003-09-14Tony Blair's lingering hopes of staging a euro referendum in this parliament were finally shattered last night when the Swedes resoundingly rejected joining the euro.
... ? shards, fragments and totems:
... ? The Morning News - Birnbaum v. Douglas Coupland
... ? Genesis P-Orridge - News
... ? Kirk SpeaksBored of this argument rumbling on? In truth it's been dead for months, we're really raking over the ashes now. I had to BEG Degiorgio to let me run this, he didn't want to be wheeled out again.
... ? NYT : Is Buddhism Good for Your Health?
... ?2003-09-13Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Review: Hey Nostradamus! by Douglas Coupland
Hey Nostradamus! is Coupland's first novel to feature a full complement of three-dimensional characters rather than a swarm of exaggerated cartoons. He seems to have reached a new plane of philosophical awareness. When Jason goes missing, his girlfriend reports that it is 'as if a door had opened up' to reveal what the suicidal impulse feels like. She goes on to reflect that there may be people 'who are born with that little door open, and have to go through life knowing that they might jump through it at any moment'. Somewhere deep in Coupland's consciousness is a little door marked 'greatness'. He may slip through it yet.
... ? Wired News: Why Ecstasy Researcher Is SmilingWhen the results of a widely publicized study last year showed that ecstasy could cause Parkinson's-like brain damage, it seemed unlikely that the drug would ever be considered a viable form of therapy. But the scientists who conducted that research have retracted it, saying they mistakenly administered methamphetamine, not ecstasy, to the primates they studied. And that has given new hope to a researcher pushing for a study of the drug's curative effects.
... ?.: bluespoon :. staying pictures
staying pictures is a short film (3 minutes) which I created in my spare time during august 2003 the film is inspired by, and named after a track by the danish musician karsten pflum, and uses music taken from his amazing album, tracks.
... ? 100 Years of Design
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts features | Besides, the wench is deadIs Jan van Eyck's painting really about a wedding? A new theory makes James Fenton doubt it
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Online | Blunkett revives plan to let agencies trawl phone and net users' recordsMinisters are to press ahead with plans to ensure that communications companies retain the records of every telephone, internet and email user, in the face of determined opposition from industry and civil liberties groups.
... ? ScienceDaily News Release: Biggest Chill: MIT Team Achieves Coldest Temperature EverMIT scientists have cooled a sodium gas to the lowest temperature ever recorded -- only half-a-billionth of a degree above absolute zero. The work, to be reported in the Sept. 12 issue of Science, bests the previous record by a factor of six, and is the first time that a gas was cooled below 1 nanokelvin (one-billionth of a degree).
... ? I, Cringely | The Pulpit : How to Steal $65 Billion -Why Identity Theft is a Growth Industry2003-09-12
... ? Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report - IE, Flash, and patents: here comes trouble
... ? IE patent endgame detailed | CNET News.comMicrosoft has suffered another legal setback in the patent dispute with software developer Eolas and is now advising Web authors on workarounds, as new details emerge of its plans to tweak Internet Explorer.
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Chile: voicesHere we present some first-hand accounts of the 1973 coup and the suffering endured by Pinochet's victims, and how they felt when the former dictator became embroiled in a legal battle in London in 2000.
... ? technicolor
... ? technicolor
... ? Drum & Bass sample list
... ? uncarved.org blogginess : pirates, politics, parochialism
... ? Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Surprise elementsJohn Emsley reveals the novel features of his favourite chemical elements, from carbon, the building block of life, to lithium, used for bicycle frames and depression, via selenium which helps sperm swim
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts Friday Review | 'I've been through madnesses'Three months ago few people had heard of 18-year-old Dizzee Rascal. Now he has an acclaimed album, the Mercury music prize - and the tabloids at his door. Or rather his mum's door. He talks to Alexis Petridis
... ? LFO | SHEATH
... ? What is the price makeup of a 100 $ sportshoe
... ?Richard Drew by Peter Howe - The Digital Journalist
The one image that’s been causing a lot of discussion is one image that I shot of a man falling head-first from the building, before the buildings fell down. He was trapped in the fire, and decided to jump and take his own life, rather than being burned. I don't know. I have no idea and that has caused a lot of controversy among readers of newspapers that used the picture. There are two newspapers that have had their ombudsman write stories about the picture, explaining why they used the photograph. The Memphis Commercial Appeal and the Fort Worth Star Telegram. They received a lot of complaints, and that is only two I know about that were complaining about the picture. Our readers e-mailed and phoned, and complained that they didn't want to see this over their morning corn flakes. This was a very important part of the story. It wasn't just a building falling down, there were people involved in this. This is how it affected people's lives at that time, and I think that is why it’s an important picture. I didn't capture this person's death. I captured part of his life. This is what he decided to do, and I think I preserved that. A reporter from the Toronto Globe and Mail thinks he has traced down the family of this guy, and some people in his family don't want to believe that it is him. Other people, according to the article say it is him. Others won't even look at the picture in his family, and they are still handling their own grief about it, but that is what I like to say, I didn't capture his death, I captured part of his life. That has been very important to me.
... ? Esquire : The Falling ManDo you remember this photograph? In the United States, people have taken pains to banish it from the record of September 11, 2001. The story behind it, though, and the search for the man pictured in it, are our most intimate connection to the horror of that day.
... ? What You Think You Know About Sept. 11 …but don't
... ? Greenpeace obtains smoking-gun memo: White House/Exxon link - Conservative front group may have thanked White House for help in suing EPA2003-09-11
... ? Boxes and Arrows: Natural Selections: Colors Found in Nature and Interface Design
... ? The Guardian : The Blaine bashers make me proud to be British
... ? moock.org>> asdg>> technotes>> cross domain policy files
... ? BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Baghdad blogger 'amazed' by success
... ?Wired 11.10: Superproducers
TIMBALAND Street Cred: Tim 'Timbaland' Mosley introduced drum and bass skitter beats and Punjabi sounds into pop and hip hop. He produced just about every hit from Missy Elliot ('Work It,' 'Get Ur Freak On,' 'The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)'), most by Aaliyah (after she parted ways with R. Kelly), and some by others, including Justin Timberlake and Ginuwine. What's next: He'll soon release Under Construction, Part II, which he recorded as an artist with partner Magoo. His Beat Club label just put out Deliverance by Bubba Sparxxx, which Timbaland produced, and he's hard at work on the next Missy Elliot project, which he hopes to have out by the end of the year. Behind the music: His longtime engineer uses Pro Tools, but 'it's cheating,' Timbaland says. 'Anyone can do a song now.' Why he gets respect: 'When I hear a Timbaland song,' says Pharrell Williams of the Neptunes, 'it makes me want to work harder.' - R.L."
... ? Wired News: No Truce in the Spam Wars
... ? Free.Pro.Blogger | Metafilter2003-09-10
... ? CNN = Contains No News
... ? Luke Vibert - Flash Microsite - YosepH CD/3LP Released 13th Oct![]()
... ?The Pulse of Life: Music of Our World and Beyond
... ? Prolegomenon to a General Biology by Stuart KauffmanBefore artificially intelligent systems can emerge and become self-aware, there is the question: Whence life in the first place?
... ?Macromedia - Studio MX 2004
Streamline web development with an integrated tool set Studio MX 2004 or Studio MX 2004 with Flash Professional. Studio MX 2004 provides professional functionality for every aspect of web development and includes the newest versions of Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks and FreeHand. Studio MX 2004 is also available with Flash MX Professional 2004.
... ? Digital Needle - A Virtual Gramophone![]()
... ? An Offer You Can Refuse - The RIAA's amnesty deal may not keep you from being sued. By Paul Boutin
The stencils also form part of a competition set to run over the next 2 months - after you recieve your stencils (whether with the album or separately) please send in pictures of them used in any way or situation that you choose. The person(s) judged by Mark Bell (LFO) to have used them in the "most interesting, funny and creative way.." will win a mega LFO-related prize(s) yet to be announced.. more details soon. Please send your pictures to editor@warprecords.com and all submissions will be uploaded into a photo gallery viewer for all to see.
... ? WARP RECORDS | WARP NEWSSo all you have to do is find exactly TEN words to follow 'I Love Acid because...' and EMAIL your word perfect response to mart@warprecords.com with the word 'ACID' in the subject heading! The DEADLINE for entries is Monday 22nd September, and the winner will be announced a week later, on the 29th of September!
... ? Salam Pax - The Baghdad Blog - Watch the promo directed by Mat Cook, with audio by Aphex Twin (See Downloads)
... ? Salam Pax - The Baghdad Blog'MY MAN SALAM. I'M A TOTAL FAN. TELLS IT LIKE HE SEES IT, AND SEES IT LIKE I CAN'T.' William GibsonIn September 2002, a young Iraqi calling himself 'Salam Pax' began posting accounts of everyday life in Baghdad on to the internet. Written in English, in the form of a web log (or `blog'), these bulletins contained everything from musings on his CD collection to open criticisms of Saddam's regime. In keeping this web diary, Salam took a huge risk: if he had been caught condemning it could have cost him his life. Salam Pax's incisive and sharply funny diary entries soon attracted a worldwide readership. As the American-led force gathered to invade Iraq, Salam's diary became an extraordinary record of the anticipation, resentment, bemusement and sheer terror felt by an ordinary man living through the final days of a long dictatorship, and the chaos that has followed its destruction. The Baghdad Blog tells the story of the war in Iraq from inside that besieged country. It provides a gripping and wholly unique perspective on the conflict and its aftermath.
... ? Reuters | U.S. Army Used Media Cover in Iraq for Own Ends
... ? Middle East Online : Blix says Iraq's weapons declaration may have been trueIraq may have been truthful when it told the UN Security Council in December that it did not have chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, a former chief UN weapons inspector said late Monday. The declaration, submitted December 7 by the government of then-Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, was quickly dismissed as false and incomplete by the United States and Britain, which accused Baghdad of failing to
... ? Foreign Policy In Focus Policy Report: The War In Iraq Is Not Over and Neither Are The Lies To Justify It
... ? <...turningtables...>
... ? Newsday.com - Rumsfeld: Critics Give Terrorists HopeDefense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday that critics of the Bush administration's Iraq policy are encouraging terrorists and complicating the ongoing U.S. war on terrorism.
... ? Boston.com / News / Nation / Washington / Bush aides admit Iraq misstepsOf the $87 billion Bush asked for on Sunday night, $21 billion would go to rebuild the infrastructures of Afghanistan and Iraq. Administration officials said Iraq would get the lion's share of that $21 million. The final $66 billion would cover the military costs of occupying both countries. Iraq again is the heavy focus, with $51 billion slated to be spent on the military there.
... ?Guardian Unlimited Books | Extracts | Oh! What a lovely Warhol
In 1987, artist turned dealer Richard Polsky set aside $100,000 to buy himself a work by Andy Warhol. It was the start of an obsessive personal journey which was to last the best part of 12 years. In this extract from his hilarious expose of the international art market, he reveals how a food fight in a Los Angeles gallery brought him within inches of his dream painting
... ? Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Review: Yellow Dog by Martin Amis
... ? MediaGuardian.co.uk | | Kelly's death excites online conspiracy theorists
... ?BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Scientists develop 'bacterial battery'
Cheap, portable batteries based on sugar-eating bacteria could be a possibility, say scientists.
... ? BBC NEWS | Technology | Free net learning attracts clicks
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts features | Aled Jones: Can choirgirls' voices be distinguished from choirboys'?Choirgirls' voices are indistinguishable from choirboys', according to scientists. Not to my trained ear, says Aled Jones
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts news | Rapper wins Mercury prizeDizzee Rascal confounds expectations to carry off £20,000 prize and create a tradition in wake of Ms Dynamite's triumph last year
... ? Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | 'I became the profane pervert Arab blogger'2003-09-09It began as an internet joke with a friend in Jordan. But then the media - including the Guardian - picked it up, and suddenly he was the Baghdad blogger, the most famous web diarist in the world. Salam Pax describes what it was like to play cat-and-mouse with Saddam's censors
... ? KRAFTWERK.COM - The Official Site
... ? KRAFTWERK An Overview![]()
... ? Kraftwerk Lyrics - Europe EndlessEurope endless Endless endless endless endless Europe endless Endless endless endless endless Life is timeless Europe endless Life is timeless Europe endless Europe endless Endless endless endless endless Europe endless Endless endless endless endless Parks, hotels and palaces Europe endless Parks, hotels and palaces Europe endless Promenades and avenues Europe endless Real life and postcard views Europe endless Europe endless Endless endless endless endless Europe endless Endless endless endless endless Elegance and decadence Europe endless Elegance and decadence Europe endless
... ? Baghdad Burning - ... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend...Monday, September 08, 2003
... ? CNN.com - For U.S. forces, war in Afghanistan heats up - Sep. 8, 2003
... ? Don't Commemorate Sept. 11 - Fewer flags, please, and more grit. By Christopher Hitchens
... ? Apple - iPod - Beyond Music
... ?Apple - iPod
New 20GB and 40GB models Smaller than ever (just 0.62 inches thick), the iPod fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and slips easily into your pocket — and your life. At 5.6 ounces, it weighs less than 2 compact discs, and even many cell phones. And yet the iPod gives you a huge 10GB, 20GB or 40GB hard drive — that’s 10,000 songs. Do the math: that’s space enough to store four weeks of music — played continuously, 24/7 — or one new song a day for the next 27 years.
... ? Reuters | Soundless Music Shown to Produce Weird SensationsBritish scientists have shown in a controlled experiment that the extreme bass sound known as infrasound produces a range of bizarre effects in people including anxiety, extreme sorrow and chills -- supporting popular suggestions of a link between infrasound and strange sensations.
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts features | Samantha Ellis talks to Playwright Kay AdsheadPills and chills - Playwright Kay Adshead has tackled some tough issues - but none as thorny as the drugs industry. She talks to Samantha Ellis
... ? Guardian Unlimited Books | Review | Roots of terrorRadical Islam's fusion of the primitive and the progressive is a typically modern phenomenon, writes Terry Eagleton ...Here, as always, Chomsky has a vital weapon at his disposal: facts. It is a resource much despised by the postmodernists, but one that, as a scientific researcher, he rightly cherishes. Hardly anyone in the radical humanities, which these days regard facts as "positivist", could match this explosive information-gathering. Chomsky has a formidable filing cabinet of a mind, and devours the Air Force Review as well as the New York Times. By grubbing in obscure corners of the media, he can sabotage one of his government's key supports: its cynical reliance on the ignorance and forgetfulness of its own people....
... ?Guardian Unlimited Books | Review | Notes and numbers
The Music of the Primes by Marcus du Sautoy - 352p, Fourth Estate, £18.99 Even after millennia of intense mathematical work, no one has been able to identify a pattern among these numbers. A tantalising insight into the pattern was, however, produced almost 150 years ago by the great German mathematician Bernhard Riemann when he published a remarkable hypothesis, which - if true - says that the primes have music in them.
... ? Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Review: Yellow Dog by Martin Amis
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts Friday Review | Eight months to liveFilm-makers regularly claim that they've been through hell to get their movie made, but Tony Luke means it more than most. A short way into making his first feature, Dominator, 33-year-old Luke learned that he had a rare form of lung cancer, and was told he had less than eight months to live. Fortunately, an experimental surgical procedure saved his life, and enabled him to finish Britain's first computer-animated movie.
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts news | Hirst's bid for a £1.5m donation
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Arts features | So what's new?Damien Hirst clearly took great pleasure filling his first major show in eight years with corpses. But beneath the stench of blood, Adrian Searle detects the whiff of desperation
... ? The Observer | International | Farah tried to plead with the US troops but she was killed anyway2003-09-08
... ? Cinefex #8 - April, 1982 : Tronic Imagery By Peter Sorensen
... ?The glTron Homepage
... ? Comments on 17601 | MetaFilter: Tron 2.0![]()
... ? TRON 2.0
... ?TRON 2.0 demo - free game download at PC Gameworld.
TRON 2.0 is the present-day sequel to the 1982 cult film classic that was a landmark of computerized graphical ingenuity. TRON 2.0, is a story-driven, first-person action game that propels the player into an alternate universe inside a computer.
... ? Shirky: Fame vs Fortune: Micropayments and Free Content
... ? upay: micropayment barriers
... ? scottmccloud.com : I Can't Stop Thinking!An online continuation of my 2000 book Reinventing Comics, 'I Can't Stop Thinking!' provided a forum for ongoing speculations about digital comics.
... ? WARP RECORDS SHOWCASE (UK) : RICHARD DEVINE (USA)West Coast Festival of Numusic : Norway's largest festival dedicated to the advancement of Electronic Music and Art is now moving into it's fourth year and has increased to over 30 live acts and 20 dj's from last years 17 and 10 respectively . Now with a dedicated festival arena of three stages this is sure to be the best numusic event yet.
... ?PhysicsWeb - Biomolecule behaves like a wave
Physicists at the University of Vienna in Austria have observed wave-particle duality in a biomolecule for the first time. The team also reports observing wave-like behaviour in the most massive molecule yet - a fluorinated 'buckyball'. It is twice as large as the previously biggest molecule known to exhibit quantum wave-like behaviour (L Hackermüller et al. 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 090408).
... ? Misconceptions About Usability (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)Summary: Misconceptions about usability's expense, the time it involves, and its creative impact prevent companies from getting crucial user data, as does the erroneous belief that existing customer-feedback methods are a valid driver for interface design.
... ? Software Synthesizer Synth1
... ? PIXELSURGEON | Reviews | Movies | Waking LifeRichard Linklater is probably best known for his debut feature Slackers, which defined him as one of the most interesting new American independent Directors of the 1990s. Although Waking Life was released in 2001, it’s now available on DVD for anyone that missed it first time round (or those like me who want to check it out again).
... ? Slim Devices : Free Your Music!SLIMP3 is the smartest way to stream MP3s and internet radio stations to your stereo over your network without loss of sound quality.
... ? PopCult MagazineTake a look at your local newsstand and here's what you'll see: racks upon racks of magazines that look almost identical. Whether they focus on music, fashion, cigars, fitness, women, or men, most magazines typically feature a grinning celebrity on the cover peeking out from behind squadrons of coverlines. It wasn't always like this.
... ? Streetart
... ? Yahoo! News - Bush Seeking $87B to Fight Terror Abroad2003-09-07
... ? ELECTRONIC MEDITATIONElectronic music pioneer Klaus Schulze talks to Paul White about the way he'd like to see synthesizer design developing over the next few years.
... ? TECHNO-LOGICALAutechre's own take on techno is so far from the mainstream that the duo, Rob Brown and Sean Booth, can scarcely understand why anyone shares their tastes. The fact is that they do, in their thousands. CHRISTOPHER HOLDER heads to Sheffield to work on his studio tan.
... ? GIORGIO MORODER: Electric DreamsWith 200 gold and platinum discs to his name, techno-pop pioneer Giorgio Moroder can afford to sit back and take stock of his amazingly successful career. RICHARD BUSKIN talks to him about it, from early days working with disco diva Donna Summer, to the present.
... ? LORD OF THE JUNGLERob Playford is not only the man who, as Goldie's producer, helped mould one of the most original drum & bass talents into a household name and chart success; he's also boss of one of the hippest drum & bass labels on the planet, and a sought-after remixer. CHRISTOPHER HOLDER asks 'how does he do that?'.
... ? SOLID GOLDUK garage is the biggest underground dance music phenomenon for years, and has taken London collective So Solid Crew to the top of the charts. Crew member Swiss talks to SOS about their approach to production.
... ? FEEL-GOOD FACTOR - Part 2
... ? Overclockers Australia Folding@Home Service Guide For WinNT/2K/XP Using Firedaemon
... ? What is feel and A Brief Background on the DNA Groove Template ConceptAll musicians have their own individual styles of playing. A C-major scale played by two different musicians contains many differences in rhythm and dynamics. Some musicians have a distinctive way of playing melodic/rhythmic phrases. There are subtle distinctions that some musicians impart to music phrases that change dynamically over the course of a performance. The entire mix of conscious and sub-conscious articulation that musician possess is called their feel.
... ? creating postscript, illustrator, or pdf files...this page is a handful of tidbits about getting started with writing postscript (or similar) images from software.
... ?![]()
... ?GroupC.net / REAS / Seed
Autonomous software exploring a continuous cycle of growth and decay.
... ? Processing 1.0 _ALPHA_ >> Examples<- Linear Image by REAS
... ? Guardian Unlimited | Life | 'Science cannot provide all the answers'Why do so many scientists believe in God? Tim Radford reports
... ? The New Yorker: Fact : WHAT GALILEO SAW byy MICHAEL BENSON - NASA’s troubled mission to Jupiter, and its triumph.
... ? BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Teen girls held for Morocco 'plot'Police in Morocco have said that they have detained three teenage girls, including twin sisters, suspected of planning a suicide attack on a supermarket in the capital, Rabat.
... ? The Observer | International | Bush seeks an exit strategy as war threatens his careerThe President will make a dramatic U-turn on Iraq in a TV broadcast tonight to try to salvage his hopes of re-election amid Americans' growing hostility to the casualties and chaos. Report by Paul Harris in New York, Jason Burke and Gaby Hinsliff
... ?BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Brain training' link to hunger
Scientists in London have shown that the brain can be trained to hunger for foods on seeing an abstract image.
... ? The Observer | Special reports | Scientists admit: we were wrong about 'E'Experts who gave a dramatic warning that ecstasy led to brain damage based their study on a huge blunder, reports health editor Jo Revill
... ? Guardian Unlimited Books | Review | That's all, folks2003-09-06Big movies now cost $100m and that figure is going up. How can the studios afford it? They can't. Film-maker John Boorman on an industry facing meltdown
... ?ANTSTORE the Antshop - Kolonie: Lasius flavus
... ? Wired News: Microsoft to Asia: No Fair!A plan by Japan, China and South Korea to develop an alternative operating system to Microsoft's Windows software would raise concerns over fair competition, the world's No. 1 software maker said on Friday. Japan, the world's second-largest economy, made a proposal at an Asian economic summit this week to build an inexpensive and trustworthy open-source operating system that would be based on a system such as Linux, which can be copied and modified freely.
... ?ARS Electronica 99 - LifeScience
Prix Ars Electronica Gala - ORF Landesstudio Oberösterreich Distinction: Digital Musics Richard James and Chris Cunningham (Aphex Twin) with Josef Pühringer Foto: Sabine Starmayr (Hi Res Version - TIF )
... ? Wired News: Microsoft to Asia: No Fair!A plan by Japan, China and South Korea to develop an alternative operating system to Microsoft's Windows software would raise concerns over fair competition, the world's No. 1 software maker said on Friday. Japan, the world's second-largest economy, made a proposal at an Asian economic summit this week to build an inexpensive and trustworthy open-source operating system that would be based on a system such as Linux, which can be copied and modified freely.
... ? Burning Man counterculture seeks social, political influenceIt's time to try to influence the very culture against which this year's record 30,500 Burning Man participants rebelled, the phenomenon's founder and resident visionary said in an interview. Ultimately, executive director Larry Harvey sees the festival's values of libertarian freedom, radical artistic and self-expression, and anti-consumerism becoming a social movement that will influence American politics.
... ? ANTSTORE the Antshop - Welcome to ANTSTORE the Antshop
... ?Myremecology - The Scientific Study of Ants bugbios.com : This site aims to help you really see insects for the miniature marvels they represent and to understand how intertwined our cultures have become with these alien creatures.
... ? WARP RECORDS | WARP-OS : Luke Vibert : I Love Acid![]()