... ? Verbal Attack: The emails of Dave Suthibut -Well, as one of those desperate job seekers who sent out thousands of resumes to jobs I felt I was qualified for -- and who was treated with thinly veiled ennui by the few interviewers with whom I managed to gain face time -- I finally decided enough was enough. It was time that someone fought back against the opportunistic, greedy employers and their unrealistic expectations. If they were going to act arrogant and self-important, then I was going to respond in kind -- by appplying to jobs using the most obnoxious, aggressive attitude I could muster. I decided to begin all email job inquiries by asking how much they were paying, and how many vacation days I would get. I also adopted a terse, blunt writing style that made it sound like I was doing employers a favor just by inquiring about the job. Bascially, I decided to act like a complete asshole, because, in my opinion, that's how many employers were (and still are) acting.